渔湾因其自然纯净,淳朴险峻而被游人称誉为“江苏的张家界”。 以水为长,雨后游览更会有意想不到的收获。
渔湾景区内自然风光奇特优美,山涧峡谷幽深独特,四季飞瀑不绝,特别是传说中三龙戏水的老龙潭、二龙潭、三龙潭以及龙王三太子睡觉的龙床等景点,给人以如入仙境的感受。老龙潭瀑布落差40 多米,游人至此伸手可及。瀑布轰轰纷泻,飞珠溅玉。半山腰的藏龙洞是名副其实的水帘洞,参差怪石环绕洞门,洞口水帘倒挂,在临近洞口的“观虹台”上远眺,还可见到老龙潭瀑布折射的巨大彩虹,景色十分壮观。
the fishing bay is located the yuntai shannan foothill, is the fruitand flowers mountain important constituent. in scenic area naturalscenery unusual exquisite, the mountain stream canyon profound isunique, scenic spot and so on long chuang which the four seasons flythe waterfall not certainly, which specially in the fable threedragons plays with water old longtan, two longtan, three longtan aswell as the dragon king three crown princes sleep, to like enters thefairyland for the person the feeling. old longtan waterfall droppingvariance more than 40 rice, tourist to this at arm's length. thewaterfall rumbling numerously flows swiftly, flies the bead to splashthe jade. the halfway up the mountainside tibet natural tunnel is shuiliandong which is worthy of the name, the diverse strange stonesurrounds the portal, the hole saliva curtain hangs upside down,tungting lake may accommodate 20 people. in approaches dongkou viewrainbow on to look out into the distance, but also obviously arrivesthe old longtan waterfall refraction the giant rainbow, the sceneryextremely magnificent sight. .........